Home / Custom Motorcycle Builds / xs650 double motor drag bike

xs650 double motor drag bike

Found it while looking for cool stuff yesterday.

xs650 double motor monster - right

It’s being built by a guy nicknamed xlch.

He had one re-phased motor he put in front and an early kickstart-only motor for the rear, a set of cases from someplace he cannot remember, and a 1980 donor bike that ran all right.

xs650 double motor monster thing

He re-phased the crank and cam, cut the transmission off the extra cases, and stretched a frame fifteen inches. Then he had a Dyna ignition set up with a Suzuki advancer for the rear motor, and lights both motors with dual output coils.

xs650 double motor monster

Very interesting. Hope to find more about this build and bring you updates as it progresses, and maybe a little interview with the builder.

xs650 double motor monster - left
EDIT 01.05.11:

I’ve been checking the message board where this was first posted and nothing is new. When there is an update, I’ll let you all know. Thanks for coming by.

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  1. effing sweet…. cutting off the useless bits of the lower end on front engine kinda threw me there for a second…. nice.

  2. How does he start the front motor?

  3. magic and beer. and maybe those dual output coils i wrote about in the post. that works, right? i dunno ’cause i’m just a drunken poet with photoshop and high-speed internet.

  4. Anymore info on this build much appreciated.

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