Discovered this bike yesterday. Don’t know anything about it other than by the plate it looks like it was built by Europeans dudes from the Ukraine. It’s really clean and that’s not an easy feat with a water-cooled motor.
They did a great job with the plumbing and air cleaner placement. The green frame is for hippies, right, Clay? Notice how I’m posting “green” stuff lately? Ha!
This little Honda bobber looks sweet with the tank and fender paint. Wish I had a close-up of it to show you guys. It’s difficult to tell from all the plastic on the original VLX, but it seems they spent most of the time re-positioning stuff, and probably a bit of welding on the the frame, which looks really nice. Clean exhaust, great seat design, different/larger gas tank, painted stock rims and spokes, and the controls look stock as well.
There are more photos by oDedaLo (as credited in each here) by clicking this link. Thanks, man.
Here’s something for Dirk:

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