Bjorn was the third guy to sign up when I moved from the old site. In my praise/humiliation of our latest member Davidoff Chenkenov, a Lakers fan, owner of a barrel, a shotgun, a hundred fish, and a Honda VLX600 he plans to chop, I said I’d try to find VLX info and pix for him to take inspiration from.
Then there was a comment from Bjorn. He has a VLX chop. Dig his pix and words about it:
As promised here are some pics of my cycle. It’s the first one I built. I chose this Honda because it was cheap and because of its small engine. Here in The Netherlands if you’re under 21 you can’t drive a motorcycle with more than 25 kW of power (editor’s note: about 34 hp). I tried to make as much myself as possible because I didn’t want to buy sh*t from catalogs, and because my budget was small.
Kept the frame stock, did chop off a bit. Made new handlebars. Nice and small so I can go through traffic jams on my way to school. Full stainless pipes with my idea of a muffler. Some steel side covers (this bike was full of plastic) A sort of sissybar, a numberplate holder…. I can go on for ever…
Dude, your bike is great. Davidoff Chenkenov ought to dig it. Maybe he’ll realize through the building of a custom metric bobber that the Lakers are the bandwagon and he wants to get off to ride solo on a (bleeping) (bleepass) (bleeper).
Okay, Bjorn, I know you’re still working on this bike and bucks are an issue, so hopefully you don’t you mind if I give you some advice. Pretend that I care about you as a person and that I know what I’m talking about. If you merge the top pipe with the bottom and make a 2-into-1 above the primary, you’ll have more power…. if you can get away with it, and an ultra clean look. You’ll chop a few pounds off in tubing weight, too. Save the old exhaust setup for bureaucratic bull***t…. I mean “inspection.”
“I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear.” – Yeshua/Jesus
What good is free will when there is a judge? Stupid religion. F***ing government. Soul-sucking bureaucracy.

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****, thats one of the nicest VLX’s I’ve seen.. typically they’re all rattle can black, which is cool, but its been done over and over and over and.. well, you get the point.
I’m with trent on this one–not about the suns being a good team– but to merge that exhaust. Oh. And weld a megaphone on that ****! What size front tire is that btw? Looks wider than stock.
He thanks! I dont know if the front rim is original, but its a bridgestone tire (3,25-19 54)
Thanks for the exhaust tip! At first i really wasnt to sure about the muffler. But the longer i looked at is, the more i started to like it. Its already a 2-1 if that is what you mean? I did make a little plate with big speedholes in it to add to the muffler. Just to break the big surface.
And maybe a shorter one will gain horsepower but its already on its max for me (the 34 bhp bullsh*t) O and dont know if you like it but heres a movie with sound:
nice job! on the rear are you using the original shock or lower kit or hard tail what did you cut off and where did you get the rear fender?
(i have a vLx too)