Home / Custom Motorcycle Builds / xs650 choppers and rings and joe king helmets

xs650 choppers and rings and joe king helmets

Visit Joe King Speed Shop to see more for yourself. He specializes in outlaw helmets that for the most part keep the man off your back. The shells are about 75% of the size of other well-known non-DOT lids and his paint work is surpassed by none.

Here is a ratty XS650 chopper with girder forks on a girder bridge. Wonder if that was done on purpose.

Dig what else I found surfing with computers:

This stuff is freaking knockers. They’re made in the land of the original sucide bombers; Japan. Thank *** we don’t all live on aircraft carriers and battleships, or we’d be screwed. Nobody is going to get that joke. The jewelry is made by a dude that calls himself “unknown.” Here is a link.

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