fredspeedshop clicked the button of doom and signed up with us. Thanks, fred!
I was checking some of the blogs he follows and one, Atari-san Kustom Chopper Works was pretty cool. Since earlier today I’d posted a Kawasaki Vulcan 800 bobber kit, I thought I’d throw this one up from their site.
kawasaki vulcan 800 chopper
This bike was there, too. It’s an old Honda CB400 bobber.
honda cb400 bobber
Cool. Here are a couple of photos of stuff I found Googling today. Sometimes in Google image search you find the photo but she site where it is contained doesn’t load or it’s a members only forum and you can’t see the page to get info, or some such technological snafu. So here are a couple of photos with no information about them.
First, a shiny old-school Yamaha XS650 chopper:
yamaha xs650 frisco-style chopper
And some moped turned into a sleek little racer, vintage boardtrack style:
moped powered vintage racer style
This all makes the President very happy!

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