Home / Uncategorized / 1971 triumph t100 bobber for sale | SOLD

1971 triumph t100 bobber for sale | SOLD

there’s another cool bobber for sale on ebay.  this one is a clean (until you ride it – bring an extra shirt) and finished in a style i like to call  “faux f***ed.”  that means it’s all brand new and artfully scratched to look like it has history. it’s the same concept behind what fashion designers do to jeans so they can charge douchebags an extra $200 a pair.

this tight trump bobber was built by acme choppers in laconia, new hampshire, and these killer photos were taken by dino petrocelli.

check the bike out on ebay. there’s no reserve and 34 hours left…

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  1. Oh, and I found your sticker envelope stuck between the seats of my car this morning. Must’ve fell in there on my post office run. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, they’ll make it to TX eventually!

  2. thanks man. maybe they’ll get here before i leave texas on thursday.

  3. Riding a bike with no rear fender gives new meaning to the words, “Tear you a new *******.” I don’t get it. It’s bad enough riding a bike in the rain with a rooster-tail shooting up into your face when you got no front fender, but no rear fender either? WTF?

    Add a ribbed alloy fender on the back, and that bike is golden!

  4. Whoahh! it´s a very nice post bro! I love this england engine. Great bobber style… Trent Reker for president… haha!

  5. for my first presidential act, i will abolish term limits!

    muah ha ha ha ha!

    for my next act, alex shall become president of spain…

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