This is exactly what President Kennedy tried to do in June of 1963 with Executive Order 11110.
The “Federal Reserve” is printing paper money and increasing lending to banks, who are not lending much to the people. In the early 19th Century, President Andrew Jackson fought what was then The Fed, then called the “Second Bank of the United States,” for doing the same thing and causing a depression in 1819. In President Jackson’s view, the “Second Bank of the United States” was responsible for the following problems:
* The Bank was a dangerously centralized financial power in a single institution.
* The Bank represented an unconstitutional monopoly on finance that only helped the rich get richer.
* The Bank exposed the U.S. government to control by foreign and special interests.
* The Bank exercised too much control over members of Congress.

President Jackson fought that bank and declared to them in 1832, “Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal ***, I will rout you out!”
Our victory will come at a price but we must do the same as President Jackson and not relent until we, the people, rout out and bind the power of the bankers who are breaking our backs and devaluing our currency in the same manner as the “Second Bank of the United States” did in the 19th Century. Are you better off than you were a decade ago? How much must we lose before we realize we have become powerless?
We cannot trust our presidents, senators nor representatives to do this for us. The Federal Reserve exercises too much control over all of them since Woodrow Wilson created it in 1913 with the unconstitutional “Federal Reserve Act,” something he promised to do for the bankers who helped elect him, illustrating President Jackson’s distrust of a private bank running our nation’s monetary system.
If Congress has the right under the Constitution under Article 1 Section 8 to issue paper money, it was given to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations!
The elite private bankers (AKA The Fed) control our nation, not the people. It is time to start getting our rights back and making our government accountable to us, not corporate interests. Limiting the power of banks to drive down wages while raising costs is making the USA a nation with no middle class. We can wrest the American dream back for our children by the signing of this petition and the success it’s loud cry will determine.
With this same Amendment, let it state clearly that corporations DO NOT have the same rights as “the people,” reversing Supreme Court rulings that explicitly give corporations the same political and civil rights granted to human beings.
This provision must be included in the right of the United States government to issue it’s own money backed by silver, lest banks (AKA corporations) use this loophole to start the battle all over again.
It will not be easy if we can make this a reality, but easy is most often the way of the slothful, the gluttonous, the envious, and the greedy. Liberty is not a thing that once attained is to be set upon a shelf and admired. It is a sentient dream that must be fearlessly nurtured by the lucid thoughts and acts of those who inherit it.
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”
Freedom must be actively cared for, or it dies.
Comment below to let our government know that we have had enough of being controlled, lied to, and ripped off by the Federal Reserve and the never-ending stream puppets in our White House and Congress who represent the selfish desires of corporate slavemasters. Comment below and let it be known that we believe the only way to free ourselves from the Fed’s clutches is to amend the constitution in a clear voice to state that no private bank or corporation shall ever again control the currency of our great nation.
Thank you.
Trent Reker
the next cat i’d like you guys to meet is shannon “shoe” gower from hotshoe customs. you may have read the interview we did back in november. this dude does anything. anything. drag out your ‘busa? check. customize your m109? check. full blown (and i mean blown) metric inline-four? check. bobber, chopper, what have you got and what do you want? check. my favorite hotshoe bike is the one he calls “bo.” that’s short for “bodacious:”
shoe is a badass motherf***er building madass motherf***ing motorbikes. check him out.
the 25lbs is a metaphor for my spare tire beer gut.
currently, i’m really sussing out the new advertiser/partners on bikerMetric and everybody who has signed up is a good man with great products. i’ve been around for a few decades and i know that, for one reason or another, people, partners, and friends come and go. i am an interesting challenging person to partner with for some, i’m sure. for others, it’s always easy communication. it’s fascinating, really. i can’t tell if it is me or if once i realize somebody is f***ing me in some way – if i can restrain myself from telling them off – they just kind of…. disappear.
recently, many have inquired about adverts here, a few have promised this and that and…. disappeared. i’m not a salesman. i’ll contact you twice or maybe, if i am bored, three times, and if nothing changes but your words, i quit on you. i’ve been freelancing on and off for 13 years, which means i’m always looking for the next gig, and sobriety reminds me, “oh, yeah. this is bull***t.” only in extremely desperate times do i put up with it.
it’s interesting how when i quit drinking how desperate i don’t become.
for those who have come and gone, we didn’t need each other. people change. time flies. insert cliche here. i wish everybody good luck and safe travels.

i believe that part of the issue is that i have bikerMetric in three places (here, facebook and twitter). when i hit fb or **** i get caught up in reading and schmoozing instead of getting back here and getting s**t done.
note to self: get more s**t done.
it’s been a hard five years. after katrina, i got angry and the booze, well, it made it okay in my head, made me laugh and write brilliant poetry, but to those around me the booze made my anger worse. now i see the catastrophe after catastrophe happening in japan and i think to myself, “self, quit being such a f***ing *****.” there is no time to waste. these are desperate times but i shall not be a desperate man. i am going to rule the world. wanna come along?
i think i’m going to remain sober past lent (april 18) and keep on digging.
and when did “friday’s post of cool stuff” become my f***ing diary? jesus.
that bike was built by a couple dudes from kiev. they call themselves dozer garage. they seem to have created some nifty russian dnepr bobbers and choppers for a while, but haven’t updated their blog in five months. maybe somebody told somebody to f*** off.
here’s another. it’s green. it’s called “skull:”
thanks to arpad zirig for the info. smooches!
and now for a gothic babe in black spiky vinyl riding a yamaha virago:
the word “politician” has a greek root that means “affairs of state.” a long time ago people created words that didn’t exist before by using etymological prefixes and suffixes to build a new word like bricks build a monument. aristotle created “ta politika” which was the title of a book on government. ta da. “politician.”
the problem that’s arisen today is that aristotle’s vision, and that of our founders, has been diluted and bastardized. from the beginning of the concept of democracy, or even that of a diluted democracy – a republic – the concept was that the people have the power. that their voices are heard. that their opinions are acted upon by the representatives they vote for to carry their dreams and wishes through to fruition.

to remind you of the words spoken in austin, texas of the then president of the bank of england, “but if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”
those words, spoken 75 years ago, illustrate how the concept of what a politician was to be has been turned into something aristotle, plutarch, jefferson, adams, jackson and more would stand up and kill for or die trying to bring back.
sadly, it’s gone. our politicians are nothing more than paid-for w***** for corporations seeking lower wages, less control over how they treat the earth, while profiting over the ruin of everything that they might possess a short-sighted gain of power and wealth.
a person’s political allegiances or opinions are now formed by corporations like msnbc (general electric and microsoft news), fox (rich white man news), cnn (time warner entertainment news), cbs (westinghouse/nuclear utilities business group news). the corporate owners see that the major networks are understaffed so stories edward murrow or walter cronkite would have easily produced to cast a light into the darkness never see the blink of your eyes.
let the truth be spoken.
i trust the words of very few in politics, and then only some of the time. by the by they are still tools of the corporations that walk the earth to satiate those of us who have had enough with the belief that there is somebody good in washington. one man cannot do it alone. we must do something in unison. we must amend the constitution that only the u.s. government can create it’s nations money and that corporations DO NOT have the same civil rights and liberties as “we, the people.” we, the human race.
the truth is that corporations pay for the campaigns of every other congressman to stomp out the words of the few liberty lovers that they might sell you everything you see, smell, touch, eat, smoke, drink, fart upon, believe, and trust.
i do not trust any more. i verify. now it’s understood. right, mr. alzheimer’s ghost of ronald reagan and comrade vladimir? you f***ers.
then we will abolish the electoral college and let each american’s vote count. the winner of the votes wins the seat.
are you with me? or am i going to get 300 less viewers a day this week? comment and hit “f*** yeah” below if you know it’s time to stand up or be chained down.

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My brain thingy hurts.
Let’s see…
Standing straight with your head held high, or on your knees, head down with the stink of your pits in your nose…
Easy one. On my feet, and if I go down, I’ll go down swinging.
good job Bro, a lot of information, cool music and videos, many ideas for future buildings, congratulations and move on
Yes sir mr. trent..i must admit its sad to say you don’t see these problems until u fall victim to the bullshit they have control over..or the damage they have no guilt causing.I will shout out “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH”.like ole says..reading this realizing whats goin on will give u a migraine.and i’m also ready to go down swinging,and like alex says,overal great post!keep kickin *** and taking names!!