no way!
yes way!
that’s jason michaels from dime city holding and presumably drinking a freaking michelob ultra. i’m so disappointed. i suppose now he drives an h3 while blaring lady gaga from it’s stereo as he nods his head and winks at the babe in the car beside him at a stop light.
this isn’t a critique of beer. well, it is but that isn’t the point. it’s about dime city being the ultra rad american distributor for paulo de tarso amaral’s hand made open-face outlaw helmets.
paulo, the man behind joe king helmets, painted his first one in 1993 and today runs a small family-owned custom shop based in sao paulo, brazil. joe king speed shop specializes in old school, vintage-styled motorcycle helmets built with the kind of craftsmanship one can only get from a hand made product.
his venture into custom motorcycle helmets began when he became ultra frustrated with the level of quality and style of current 3/4 (open face) helmets. after blasting through a series of helmets, from new ones to authentic 1960’s originals, paulo decided to begin producing his own.
as dime city states on their website, joe king helmets are “an ultra tight shell sporting opened up cheek sections, a tightened brow area and better appointed lower sections on the left and right. these helmets pay honorable homage to the classic and iconic 3/4 helmet that never should have changed due to DOT restrictions and government pocket books.”
no s**t. bureaucracy bad. freedom good. stick it to the corporate man, motherf***ers!
the image below is a comparison of joe king helmet sizes compared to other ultra popular new and vintage 3/4 helmets:
here’s the helmet paulo recently made for jason, who was smart enough to set a mostly-empty bottle of jack next to it when the pic was taken. i’d say it makes up for the ultra snafu. no points, but no negative points. tied at halftime.

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He’s clearly holding that beer for a lady who’s in the other room…
Some day you won’t have to retouch your sticker in along with the rest of ours. ;)
aw, shucks…. you noticed! and lookie, it took a minute to do and didn’t cost me a penny. and since i posted it, over 2,000 people have seen it.
i know the other stickers but i couldn’t see the BF one clearly. i think it means “bathtub farts.”
me + interweb = world domination.