to commemorate bikerMetric’s second birthday, and after much discussion with the bM facebook group, it’s been determined that there should be a contest much like san francisco’s dirtbag challenge, but as an online thingy. please do not get all tweaked over the blatant ripoff of a great idea. call it “flattery.”
therefore, after discussing this with people who spend most of their time in underground bunkers polishing weapons and watching alex jones, i have decided on the rules for the bikerMetric cheapoChallenge:
1. $1,000 project limit includes donor motorcycle (united states dollar equivalent – not 1,000 euros or pounds. visit to determine your exchange rate)
2. metric motors only (duh).
3. there is no time limit to build your cheapoChallenge bike. sometimes 750 euros is hard to come by.
to determine the winner, i must be supplied with the following proof:
a. scanned and emailed invoice(s) listing all parts bought and their cost. beer consumed during build does not count, as that would be incredibly unfair to most participants.
b. a video of the bike running, not one of those “it takes off from the driveway roaring and returns a minute later” vids. send burnouts, someone following you in a car as you tear around, filming yourself with your mobile phone taped to your forehead, or government spy satellite footage.
c. photos of the build from beginning to end (over 1200 pixels wide, please). photos of beer drinking may result in greater chance of winning.
d. a bunch of words about the build. say anything but YOU MUST INCLUDE THE BIKE’S WEIGHT. less weight and more words may result in greater chance of winning.
winner gets stickers, a big post on, and maybe more. maybe. the world could blow up tomorrow. so quit f***ing around. show up those snooty art directors how cool a one thousand dollar custom motorcycle can be. scare children. anger mothers. make fathers in minivans jealous. enter the bikerMetric cheapoChallenge and a few thousand dumbasses will think you are cool for a week.
second place will be thoroughly mocked and will also get stickers.
cheapo prizes for cheapo bikes.
while there is no time limit, i’m hoping to have some killer entries by the end of the year. the first winner will be chosen and their bike will premiere on the world’s greatest metric motorcycle only website in january, 2012.
email pix, vids, links, and proof to trent at, suckers, and may the cheapest bike win!
[EDIT 01.22.12: check out cheapoChallenge winner #1 here >>]

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Great idea! I am trying to build a hardtail CB 750, on a very tight budget. I hope to get some good ides from these builds.
got an email from one of the four founders of the sf dirtbag challenge, wendell jones, who digs the idea and and wrote, “good luck with this and tell anyone that thinks differently to go **** themselves.”
my kinda guy. i think there is beer in our future…