here is our introduction, both in welcome and price. i hope to keep prices as they are today, or lower. in the future. many things will determine if we can do that.
this is our first try at making metric bobber and chopper parts and i believe you will find you like them.
all bikerMetric pegs are constructed of an 6061 aluminum peg and has a sleeve (aluminum or brass) attached by one 1/2″ long bolt in black oxide finish with 20 threads per inch.
they slide right into stock yamaha xs650 mounts.
[EDIT 05.21.12: we’ve sandblasted the outer sleeves after a vote in which that finish came out on top by a 10-to-1 margin. we’ve also fixed the countersink on the sleeves you see here and will be placing zinc screws to attach the sleeve rather than black oxide you see here. darned beta testing. hope to have everything mailed tomorrow afternoon.we are also making steel weld-on mounts so these foot pegs will fit anybody’s chopper, boobber or cafe as well.
visit this link to see how we fixed them. thank you, everybody!]
the bolt is on top of the peg. it’s part of the art of it. hidden sh*t is for politicians, bankers, and corporations. i stole that concept from indian larry, who liked to show the mechanics of a bike, not hide them.
1. the aluminum pegs are $99. a pair weighs just .97 lbs (.44kg).
2. the brass pegs $125. a pair weighs only 1.4 lbs (.63 kg).
compare that with your stock mounts.
before i glam you with a bunch of purty pictures, let me remind you that everything these about parts was thunk up and slaved over by americans and are 100% american made in every way. i had an idea (born on a train in arizona). smith motor works consulted and did the cad (he sounds american on the phone). i am not telling where my cnc machine work is being done because it is TOP SECRET (somewhere in tennessee). and all elements, from the bolts to the brass and aluminum, are american forged, cut, shipped, and loved by dudes and dudettes living and loving the usa.
beat these prices from stuff made anywhere, by anybody. if it doesn’t say american on the product or their website, it’s made somewhere else.
all bikerMetric parts are MADE IN AMERICA. and they always will be.
the ends of the pegs accept a 1/4″ bolt and are 7/8″ wide. they’ll slide into hundreds of bike models with little-to-no modification needed. all bikerMetric junkie pegs are 1¼” in diameter with the sleeves attached. they are 5″ long and the sleeve is 4″.
each piece is unique and hand-crafted. the sleeve screw is on top so you’ll never have it vibrate out. you’ll see it loose long before it falls out, which will be difficult to do under your boot.
we offer sandblasted finishes on the pegs and sleeves only.
the next photo is one aluminum-on-aluminum bikerMetric junkie style footpeg. as you look at these, imagine the contrast you can make with paint or anodizing. paint or polish the peg in one color and the sleeve in another for a bold look on your bike unlike anything made in the world.
a pair of our 100% aluminum pegs is $99:
below is the brass junkie style footpeg. you can see the contrast i wrote about using two different metals.
a pair of them is $125:
as of now, the brass junkies are being made as a limited edition and won’t be repeated unless we sell a million tomorrow or you break them because bikerMetric parts have a lifetime warranty.
that’s what you get when it’s MADE IN AMERICA.
unless we discover you were being a squid and riding at 110 and couldn’t navigate between cars. then new pegs will probably be the least of your worries.
if for any reason you think these suck, return them. you’ll pay the shipping but we will refund your purchase and give you a future $20 credit should you quit riding in shorts and sneakers. that is how sure we are you’re going to dig what you get from us.
additionally, we are developing other fitments for those who want to mount these as forwards or prefer a bolt in the middle at the end, instead of the outside (these were made to adapt easily to stock xs650 mounts). we’ll be making making brake and clutch pegs asap.
coming afterward are matching grips (7/8″ and 1″ with complete aluminum throttle bodies) and risers in the junkie design. maybe even xs650 engine covers. maybe. it all depends on the support we get for this little venture right now.
you don’t have to buy them, but re-blogging (twitter, wastebook, etc.) is always appreciated.
please note that these pix are from a small first run and are all gone to the handful of those who made this happen. this week we take orders and the real production run starts.
we have plans and designs for more pegs, grips and risers, as well as 30-tooth xs650 sprockets in this design. for those who purchase this design and then order other bikerMetric junkie style stuff, you will receive a sweet 10% discount.
thank you all. because of you this is happening. peace out.

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Wonder if they fit a Honda CB? Doesn’t matter. Looks like I need to save up my pennies. The brass sleeves look killer!
thanks, shiny. the end of the peg where the 1/4″ wide bolt attaches to your mount is 7/8″ wide. it was made to perfectly slide into an xs650 mount. i am sure it will fit into an old cb without much trouble, but we have yet to test them on different bikes. look for that soon.
we’re taking measurements for cb750’s as i write this, shinyribs.
Cool.A pair of those would killer on my new build.Thanks for taking the time to measure them.
for cb750’s you’ll need to fab a little bracket and weld it to the frame. as for other cb models, we have yet to measure. we’ve made a test out of junk laying around and i’ll be putting some images up in a post later today.
Love em. Have you tested the Honda shadow 600 yet? VT600 / VLX 600?
no, we haven’t aaron. check out this post ( to see how to mount them to anything.
Brass and aluminum do not do well when in contact with each other, the aluminum will actually start to corrode. Did you just anodize the sleeve a brass colour? if not id love to know what you did to prevent corrosion. Cheers
how do i go about purchasing a pair of these brass junkis footpads for the XS650?
You’re a little late to the party brother, we’re not selling these anymore, but you can find something good here: motorcycle foot pegs