jtbrothers chose to make one of many regrettable decisions that will haunt them into eternity. way to stick it to the corporate creator, gentlemen and thanks for following the fun.
they have a web site but i’m not giving it away until i get the build story behind the bike these images belong to. it will be worth the wait, mateys, and thanks to the brothers for agreeing to have their bike profiled on these mad metric pages.
donna only follows bM and has no photo. you what what that means….
Darren Morton follows bikerMetric and a site called “red p**** hair.” you can find it if you want but i won’t link to it. why? because the “about me” widget has a pic of the alleged man who runs it standing naked so please accept my apologies, but i only like looking at one man’s d***. mine.
when it’s sliding into red p**** hair.
not really. i like the kitten shaved but that’s what you get for thinking i was going to get all safe for work and everything.
as a reminder to those who still write about the old bikerMetric group on wastebook, it is not coming back. not there. i am slowly and surely building a better one at chop cult. more biker riders and builders, less $1-an-hour Indian censors paid by the company who sells everything they can glean about you to as many corporations as possible.
ever notice how much more spam you get since you signed up with wastebook? no? yeah.
and you know, we’re in the process of manufacturing more foot pegs, grips, risers and more with our new and better-than-a bj-on-x cnc/parts manufacturer. until then, we have only one bM branded pair of aluminum-and-brass junkie-style xs650 foot pegs left at $20 off so we can focus on the new REKEDGE INDUSTRIES brand and all the parts that will appear at that time. |
if you order that pair, before 9pm central time sunday, i’ll refund your domestic shipping charges immediately because i don’t want to log into paypal and d*ck around making a new button. my word is here. i will do as i state.
a few weeks ago i made fun of these guys for preening in an interview about their ride across the usa on cb750 cafe-style motorsickles. it’s still a cool endeavor and here are a few clips from their journey:
that’s it. now to give you the babe. red, of course (even if her hair is dyed, it’s a great photo and she looks like fun):

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