AFT Customs is a pretty good custom metric bike builder. They won some awards in 2009 with this bike:
They’ve recently created a new performance kit for the Honda VTX 1300 and Fury. The kit comes complete with pistons, cams and gaskets resulting in a 20% gain in horsepower and torque over the stock motor. The pistons come in at 11:1 compression ratio, which is a huge difference over the stock 9:1 pistons. Also, the cam provides additional valve lift and duration without requiring engine head modification, and all the gaskets in the kit are OEM from Honda.
The Honda 1300 hop up kit retails for a buck less than a grand and can be purchased through AFT Customs by calling them at 209.223.3848.

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We are a Honda and Kawasaki dealer.. One of the guys in shop has a 2006 VTX1300C. Will your hop-up kit work on this machine??
Can you do any better on price???
Thanks,,,,,,, Steve
this is a yamaha, not honda….