This past Saturday I put up a photo of a slick SR400 bobber I had sitting in a folder. After a little research, I found the website (since added to Saturday’s post) and some great bikes. My favorite was this one:
What a slick BSA thumper. Ajito calls it the “Racy King.” The owner is Tanaka. Wasn’t he in Kill Bill? Anyway, visit Ajito’s website to see some great detail photos of this bike and more.

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Absolutely gorgeous! That tank is a work of art! And that seat/tail section are just brilliant!!!! Love it! And I LOVE THIS SITE!!!! it gives me the oppurtunity to see stuff I wouldnt normally get to!!! And run by a Saints fan!!!!! Geaux SAINTS!!! WHO DAT!!! West Bank representing!!!!
right on callahan! thanks for the love.
shoot me an email about your company for 1) a post here if motorbike applicable and/or 2) just knowing a little about what’s going on back “home.” my girl and i are planning a trip to nola in the next two months and it might be cool to meet.
trent at bikermetric dot com.