received a nifty present in the mail yesterday. jenn maa from helrich custom cycles is learning how to etch/engrave stuff and generously offered to do a little brass piece of the winged bikerMetric logo.
we’re going to bend it a bit and braze it to the headlamp cowl of the FREEDOM or DEATH MACHINE, after we modify the cowl and do a hundred other things to the bike, starting with bringing in the neck, shaving the fork legs, building 1″ bars to match the 1″ risers, re-painting the bubbling paint, lining the inside of the rusting gas tanks, and some other sh*t that should have been done right the first time but wasn’t.
until then, here’s another pretty picture.
thanks jenn. this kicks a metric ton of gasping-for-breath-as-they-die banker ***.

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