I know it looks like two fenders, but they’re going to be made into one freaky rear fender by Jeff of Saint Motorbikes because he likes my poetry and it makes sense to him, oddly enough.
The fenders arrived yesterday and they are as badass as I was led to believe they would be. The brass thickness is 062″ and they’re going to take a **** of a beating.
The photo is a crappy cell pic, but it will have to do. Please visit 7 Metal West.
Kevin’s seat hinge doesn’t look like a 400-pound gorilla could bend or break it. Check out Fab Kev.
Please let these guys know you heard they kick *** on bikerMetric.

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I need a price for both, front and rear fenders for a ’99 HD Sporty hardtail. Front is 19″ and the back is 16″ made out of brass….stock tires