mike from visual impact sent some pix of the new paint work he’s been up to.
that is root beer candy over silver flake. sweet.
the photo below is even better. i dig the flames on one side, the pinstripes on top, and the “modern-retro” scallop design that is cool again on the other side. very nice.
mike built the next tank. you can see what the original looked like and what he did. it was a standard peanut style that got narrowed a bit. then mike moved the tunnel about half way down from stock, added a new fuel filler and new fuel exit, and made a ridge with some molding on the front.
the paint is blue candy over silver flake.
thanks for the photos, man. they look great.
if anybody wants a good deal on some killer paint, visit visual impact online or ring mike at 215.868.5187. as always, tell him you found him on bikerMetric.

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Wow. I am ready to paint a 1/2 size Custom Bobber I built and my favorite color is the Root Beer with Pearl. Anyway, I can get in touch with Mike to pick his Brain a bit. His Work is Incredible ….
Cam I get price lest 1985 rebel