Here are a couple more photos of the FREEDOM OR DEATH MACHINE.
Please visit this page and check out all the sponsors who donated killer parts for this build. We could not have done this without their help.
In the bottom photo, you can get a decent look at Jeff’s passenger/luggage rack. The rack itself is removed or attached, along with the spring, in five seconds with two clevis pins.
It’s a pretty pic, but you can’t tell how crooked it is. it will have to be cut and welded in numerous places to become straight when set on the bike. As of today, not only does it sit off-center when on the bike, but when you set it on a table, where all four corners should touch simultaneously, it wobbles about an inch.
What did I get into?

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Just came across your blog (and your old blog). Liked it. I ride metrics so I am looking forward to following your blog.
right on, motoroz. right now i’m doing my best to promote our mad metric motorscoot, but i’ll try to get some other news and stuff up this week.
keep looking around here, man, and feel free to comment any time.