well, i’ve gone and done it now. after 43 years of being a dishwasher, ranch hand, student, painter, hod carrier, cook, waiter, warehouseman, musician, homeless junkie, sound engineer, stage designer, carpenter, bookseller, “co-worker,” data processor, file clerk, graphic designer, art director, barback, body piercer, author, harley salesman (yeah, i know), janitor, bail bondsman, bounty hunter, doorman/bouncer, and now mad poet editor of this deep and swirling water i call bikerMetric, i’m in with the cool guys.
let’s see how long it lasts…
[EDIT 10.30.11: four months]dime city is the latest group of dudes to partner with bM since i punched my girlfriend’s ex out and went to jail because he was a crybaby. at that time i lost my job at the bar and said to myself, “self, just work your *** off on bikerMetric and it will all come together.”
well, it’s been six months and thank *** for people who love me and believed but when the esteemed cyril huze dubbed 2011 “the year of the cafe racer,” i figured, “i like cafe racers!” and have spent a good portion of the past 16 months posting cool cafes. now my biggest partner is dime city, “custodians of the cafe racer tv brand,” where you can see tons of cool stuff like this:
between jason, herm and the rest of the dime city crew, we’re going to take over the world so we can buy guns and supplies and hole up in an urban warehouse before the world crumbles all around us to become the metric messengers of the masses.
world domination v2.0, motherf***ers.
that’s what they came to me for, and what they’re going to get.
you thought i was kidding.
before my apocalyptic visions become reality, i thought i’d dive into the cafe racer thing a bit as i did in san francisco in 1999 at the apex of the dot com boom, and see what i can get done here with these good men and the many others who read and support bikerMetric in so many ways i am embarrassed to tell.
today is truly a new beginning of the rule by garage built, working class, flea market ****. it is the beginning of kickass, badass, affordable, reliable two-wheeled beauty.
don’t think dime city is a cafe racer shop only. they build bobbers, too. their “specialty” is the “sixty five;” a honda cb450 rigid bobber, built to your specifications, which may or may not include a properly running motor:
there is a lot more coming from dime city. look for interviews with the crew, posts and information about what their shop carries, which includes anything vintage honda oem – 992 items in all, and more than you can shake a policeman’s nightstick at. so come back to bikerMetric for info and specials on all sorts of swag they carry, from killer rearsets and leather biker jackets to american made cafe racer seats and helmets, plus high-res, gorgeous photos from cafe racer tv.
i am very thankful that jason and herm have given me this opportunity to assist them grow their shop and show in a way that stays true to their vision, which for some reason, they think i intuitively know. i guess i do. it starts with an “m” and ends in a “r!”
here is the “cafe racer tv bike of the week,” from week six of season one, michael la fountain’s 1971 cb350:

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It’s really a exceptional bike. And biker metric is nice topic here. Thanks for your information.