so we’re gonna show off some nifty mopeds. they remind me of my woman, who is going through some tough sh*t.
found this and the last bike on pedshow. arpad posted the link on our flakebook page. i made a joke about pedophiles. actually, i made two jokes about pedophiles today. my oldest friend jay commented on a fb page and we’re always going off about raping babies (don’t ask) and i replied in kind. found it after i made fun of pedshow.
the next bike was built by this guy.
thought this was a nice photo so i yoiked it and ruined it with the bikerMetric logo ’cause i can.
looks fast…
and always end with black and gold.

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Love the Tiny 2-Strokes, Have a collection of old Motors, but can’t afford the parts (wheels,tyres, bearings) at the mo to build frames for them.
Epic Blog, much inspiration, and many ideas to be found here.
(not Sure if its really relevant, or in the style of your site, but there is a custom built Yamaha Ty, with an XS650 motor (I think), Built by some French dude, He called it an “XTY700” looks very clean, almost like it could be a factory built bike. Is beautiful, in its cleanness, and functionality.
RE: My previous post:
Is the site that has it, if you wanna check it out