Home / Custom Motorcycle Parts / where to find nuts and bolts for a 1934 bsa
1934 J34 500cc ohv v-twin bsa motor

where to find nuts and bolts for a 1934 bsa

We got an email from a builder in South Africa I was hoping you all could help me out with. His name is Charles Kendall and he’s looking for help sourcing nuts and bolts for a 500cc V-Twin 80 year old BSA.

Wondering what a V-Twin 500cc 1934 BSA looks like? We’ve got a post on that here.

Good day,

I am presently in the process of rebuilding my 1934 500cc vee twin BSA. I have unfortunately lost all the nuts and bolts over the years that my bike was parked in the garage. She was totally stripped for rebuild then I had to leave to work overseas. This was 28 years ago. It’s time for me to ride again. Can you please help me with any contact where I could possibly get spares such as nuts, bolts and both mudguards.

Thank you very much,

Kind regards,

Charles Kendall

Thoughts, anyone? Please leave a comment below with your suggestions, and then check out our 1934 BSA 500cc V-Twin J34 page.

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