thank you. after four months where images from over two hundred posts from september, 2010 backward were missing, they have suddenly reappeared, for no apparent reason. therefore i retract none of my “blogger is a giant piece of f***ing s**t” posts, but only state that for now, their farts come with a wind that blows them in a direction away from my face.
now to smack google around and ask them nicely to re-list my images in their image search results. how can bikerMetric be #1 for “metric bobbers” in web search but not anywhere in image search? two weeks ago i owned dozens of search queries in google image search. page after page were images from bikerMetric. now if you see a bM image, it’s a re-post on another blog or sitting on some wormy link site you better not click.
see? i warned you.
thank google.
the thousands of images that came up at the top last month are nowhere to be found today. google is trying to kiss my lips while ******** my ***. for no apparent reason.
even so, google calls and emails asking me to use adwords, asking me to pay them money that they might promote my site.
hey, how about indexing and ranking my thousands of images like you did for the first 13 months of bikerMetric’s existence?
then i’ll be happy to use your service. when i have in the past, bM grew by 1/3 every month. today i wouldn’t give google a penny and will seek to take all i can from them. why should i give to them only to have all i’ve paid for taken away?
before you get a dime from me, rank my images. put bM back where it was.
if knowing google has that kind of power over you, your blog, your website, your business, and your life disturbs you, contact them here. tell them i sent you.
regardless of the blogger/android/google empire’s faults, which are many, and their domination over our internet and mobile phone choices, i’m simply happy that images from old posts are showing again. for no apparent reason.
in celebration of this moment, which may or may not last a day, i offer some of my favorite posts for you to feast on that had missing images.
chad hodge retro/modern full face bullitt helmet (tuesday, september 21, 2010)
the morgan lifecar (friday, september 17, 2010)
honda cb77 chopper (friday, april 9, 2010)
random poem i wrote after a dozen beers:
this poem of the industry of hate exists only for the amusement of the masses
you paid your ticket
you made your bed
come stained hotel junkie drawers or housekeeper laid egypian cotton
perfectly tucked in
the dreams are the same
the thing we all are
absolute and invisible
living as we die
trying to grasp what cannot be held forever
as the stars wait
the xs650 charging system (thursday, april 29, 2010)
lucky monkey new member (wednesday, may 5, 2010)
friday’s post of cool stuff #22 v2.0 – attack of the killer ****! (saturday, may 15, 2010)
this is cool, too; the bull city rumble –>>
briton bees (monday (monday, may 17, 2010)
friday’s post of cool stuff #23: dedicated to locomotives (saturday, may 29, 2010)
revenge of the virago (tuesday, june 1, 2010)
wheel lacing and balancing (tuesday, june 22, 2010)
metric choppers from japanese builders (thursday, july 22, 2010)
1930 custom henderson dash and stuff that starts with the letter b (saturday, july 24, 2010)
vintage bike of the day: 1927 ariel 500 model c ohv (friday, july 30, 2010)
how could you not catch a pass from michael vick? (monday, september 27, 2010)
new guy and check this out (tuesday, september 28, 2010)
why go to google and search for custom metric motorbike s**t that is already on bikerMetric? i guarantee that whatever you are looking for can be found here. something you’ve never seen before. and if you have something to share, email me. thank you.
bikerMetric is not a blog. it’s a destination. now for some egyptian *** (politician) shoving life (conscription) into you (the ignorant masses):

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