Vini gave us a shout on Facebook to let us know that the Vini Garage Company 2015 Calendar is all ready for us!
Here’s a blurb from VGC’s site, translated from en francais for you:
The Vini Garage Company team is proud to present our 2015 calendar.
We want to thank all of the models who participated in this superb edition: Melody, Alexandra, Gaël, Peter, Cyrille, Gaëlle, Lise and Vincent. The photography was done by Remy.
We hope you’ll appreciate this gift that signals the end of the 2014 season, full of thoughts of projects in mind.
To download the calendar, just click here.
We think fans of the backyard build custom motorcycles, customs, tattoos, and the overarching custom culture (sorry, ‘kustom kulture’, yeesh) will appreciate the calendar. Personally, I wish I would have thunk of this for bikerMetric earlier. Doh!
For 2015, with no bikerMetric calendar in the immediate future, this is the calendar that I’ll be forwarding to my local printer to print out for me for a few bucks. You should do the same.
Be sure to also support the people who put this together by giving Vini Garage Company a visit either on their website, or on Facebook.

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Thanks Dude for sharing a part of our work ! ;)