Um…. Friday is June 11th. Yeah. Not the 10th. I think it was the beer or maybe people patting me on the back which filled me with such extreme dumbassedness. Stupid people. F**k off. Come back tomorrow!
Click it and score the big image and put it on your blog. Pretty please. Motherf***ers.
Please visit Dan at 7 Metal West, Rock at Rock’s Chops, Chris at Limeybikes, Gabe at After Hours, and Robert at Elswick Cycles. They’re all doing some kickass stuff for the Freedom or Death motorbike and man, it’s going to freak out the squares, and probably even shave some parallelograms.
Dan is sending us a very custom ribbed brass fender, Rock called me and thought I had a great idea so he is working on Swiss-cut end-bar controls in solid aluminum, Chris answers all my stupid questions with kindness and pretends to think my jokes are funny, Gabe builds bikes and parts as he lives life; with great passion, and Robert has given us more cool stuff than you can shake a stick you once used to poke a dead body at. Yes, that makes perfect sense.
These are guys you all want to deal with because they know their stuff and will be nice to ya. Dan’s fenders are thicker and more sturdy than any others. Rock’s stuff is innovative and I dare you to find better prices. Chris is, well, I text him and he calls me a minute later to tell me stuff I don’t yet know. Gabe is a lot of fun to ring after a few beers. And Robert believes in bM. I thrive on positive affirmation.
Speaking of that, thanks to Mutiny for joining our little home of metric mayhem. Check out his own blog here. Thanks for coming around, man.

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