Is two in a row a tradition? It’s Friday’s Post of Cool Stuff and I think in the past few years I’ve seen cool stuff on [adult swim]. See how I did that? Just like their logo. Geniuses, like these cartoons:
Yeah. Space cowboys and outlaw ninjas. Robots and angels and fire and an evil corporation shaped like a clothes iron. Yes. With baseball and an inept league of supervillans against one guy with cloned children that die all the time. What fun.
You know what else is cool? Hordes of zombies eating cheeseburgers with bacon while drinking beer. It’s like a vacation in Haiti with John Carpenter. Didn’t the Dead Kennedys sing that song? Vacation in Haiti? No? Oh well. Do you like trucker girls? They like you.
As for the artwork to your left, never go there. The owner doesn’t pay his workers overtime and sometimes they work 70+ hours in a week. For that he is under investigation by the Department of Labor for egregious FLSA violations. Most of the people who work there are bitter, washed up has-beens living off their rotten dreams so you can pay for a warm beer or a half-assed overpriced shot in a glass that isn’t even one full ounce if filled to the rim. If you go to the kitchen window be prepared to be greeted by some drunk and angry loser hoping your tips will be enough for him to score some coke later.
I only have the piece here because I designed it as a t-shirt and I like it. But f**k Casino el Camino. Go there at the peril of your soul.
That image was manufactured in a sweatshop in Cambodia, managed by a Chinese company and owned by Americans. You can find it at Walmart. Not really. I took a photo and did the rest on my computer.
Hope you everybody enjoyed the Friday eye candy.
If you’ve got something you think is cool; a video, a product, a bike, a picture of you and your girl when you were teenagers, feel free to comment below. If we use it on bikerMetric, I’ll ask Bandit to send you a shirt or some shoelaces or something. Maybe he will. I’ll link to your blog or website. Deal? What have you got?

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