Home / Friday's Post of Cool Stuff / friday’s post of cool stuff! #5
triumph bobber piece of shit

friday’s post of cool stuff! #5

Happy new year, metric people! 2010 is about world domination because in less than two years existence as we know it is going to end so forget your hangover, drink a beer, drink another, boink somebody who wants to boink you back and laugh before you die with regret of what you might have done had you known how it would all turn out.

Then ride!

triumph bobber piece of ****
1970 bsa lightning gooseneck bobber piece of ****

The builder of these bikes will be profiled on bikerMetric soon. Look out for it.

Now for a series of photographs that have a common element. Except for the last one. That one is simply cool.

i'll take their deal.
**** corporate oil war
secret super doomsday mummy

May your new year be filled with cool stuff!


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One comment

  1. Don’t know what the common element might be but I sure need a drink after looking at those temperance broads.

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