Home / Friday's Post of Cool Stuff / friday’s post of cool stuff #74 | things to amuse you: part 1

friday’s post of cool stuff #74 | things to amuse you: part 1

arpad got his stickers. he’s a little young to be playing around on bikerMetric, but hey, who am i to judge. i bet he s***s on ******* all day like we all want to.

isn’t there a greek “myth” about that?

now i am going to go sailing. i like this concept, but prefer my ships to have a spot where i can step out and breathe the sea air. what’s the point of sailing if you’re stuck in a cabin the entire time?

and what’s with the propellers? looks like something from star wars.

maybe something more like this; where i could roll my motorbike onto it and take off up the mississippi…

hurricane? please. i’ll be 50 miles away within, um, two days.

this last image is for amaryllis, on her way to texas where here indie film is being premiered at sxsw. have a great time and good luck, dear!

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