i added strippers to the title because more suckers would visit. if they don’t leave right now, and can read, they will find what they were looking for.
two months ago i posted this.
if you read the post you will find an image at the end that is coincidentally similar to what you are about to see. green alien stripper babes!
today an email was sent in my general direction from asa, who had his vulcan profiled in that post. the link above, where you’ll find strippers.
here is a bit of what he wrote:
Hey Trent,
As you requested, just reminding you about the Alien Abduction Bash.
The Busch Bros. are sponsors of the run and will be there. Not only that, but they’re the lucky dudes on the poster and we’ve got an amazing raffle lining up. Some really good prizes, including a Busch Bros. custom painted helmet and prints of the poster. Maybe we’ll see you out there…
Speaking of the Busch Bros., a while back you ran a picture of my Vulcan. Thanks! It was seriously awesome to see my own bike on one of the few motorcycle sites that I read daily. I thought you’d be interested to see how much it’s changed since that picture, though.
The Busch Bros. added a hand shifter/foot clutch setup, dished the tank, painted and pinstriped it. I cleaned up the bars and built a small control panel for the switches, and added a smaller master cylinder. Oh yeah, and there’s no suspension in the swingarm now. It’s a poor man’s rigid frame.
I’ve decided to name it Hephaestus, the Greek version of the Roman *** Vulcan. It’s a rockin’ fun bike to ride.
Keep on keepin’ on, Trent. STICK IT TO THE CORPORATE MAN.
+ + +
i do what i can, asa. your bike is killer. danny and lance hooked you up. wish i could be there but stuck where i am for now. soon. soon you will see me get into fights and buy beer for friends.
as for running from the aliens in the poster. i think i’d slow down and get “accidentally” captured. oh no!
some say ufos are from our own secret government facilities, or those of other superpowers. maybe these female aliens speak russian…. or greek!
until they abduct our sorry and greedy as*es, enjoy your ride, asa. thanks for the info.

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