Home / Custom Motorcycle Builds / honda 90 super cub chopper by psyclooz

honda 90 super cub chopper by psyclooz

found on one of my favorite blogs, chalopy. he has a brief description of this bike, called “molly-k,” and one photo. i do not think the exhaust is that big of a deal as he thinks, but i’d scrape the sticker off it.

i went to the source, psyclooz, and snagged a few more images. dig ’em:

honda 90 super cub chopper | psyclooz
90cc super cub chopper | psyclooz
super cub chopper pinstripes | psyclooz
honda 90cc dax chopper | psyclooz

and my favorite. the footpegs are turn signals.

super cub chopper footpeg signals  | psyclooz

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