got an email from ricardo at zoomy today with photos of a couple of his clean little honda bobbers. ricardo has a little shop in the netherlands at noord-rrabant, about 80 miles (130km) south of amsterdam which he calls zoomy kustoms (with a k for kickass).
this bike is a honda cb360 he calls “the kickflip.” it’s got a santee frame he probably worked hard on to make it accept the *** engine.
this bike is a cb400 that has the original frame with a hard tail hand-made by ricardo.
besides clicking the link above to his website, you can visit his blog at zoomy madness, where you might be able to see new photos in the coming months of a nifty little 125cc jlo thumper with an old girder front end and a boardtracker rixe frame.
thanks for writing, ricardo. these bikes do kickass.

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I love this bike. Reminds me of something COle Foster would build. Great lines, perfect proportions.
cheese! i love cheese.
these are clean bikes, but it’s my humble opinion that cole foster/salinas bros would make ’em a little more streamlined.
here’s a little cl360 off my duel partner’s site that was done by a guy that’s worked with cole for a decade so you can see the similarities and differences:
Do you know the epic 13,000 post cool bike thread at Here’s a link to the post I made about that cl360 when I first saw it at EXIF.
1/2 way down
The total lack of fasteners and clamps on that frame makes me wet. And eliminating the chain tensioners really made the whole bike sing for me.
I love this blog Reker, there’s a lot of really great moto blogs out there that I hit daily but this is the only one that feels like I am eating a greasy plate of ham and eggs with Henry Chinaski.
i avoid forums. too much **** wagging for one piece of decent info.
with the cool group of cats alex chopperbuilder and i have coerced into our happy little facebook page, folks can get info on almost anything without some cowardly nobody hiding behind a made up name in his mommy’s basement louldy proclaiming his way is the only way while trying to drag everybody else down.
but yes, it is as you wrote there and what happens when you work with cole for a decade. it’s an incredibly sleek ride.
thanks for the bukowski reference. he’s made a few appearances here over the past year or so and is one of my greatest influences.
Forums mostly suck but that thread has some beautiful moto **** in it.
Is that a FB group? I see your personal page but not a bM World Domination page. I see you went to the Conservatory, I took a seminar from Robert Scoville at their new facility a few years back. I learned more useful concert audio technique in four days from that guy than I figured out in a decade on the road in shithole nightclubs.
yeah that was a long time ago. 1993 or something (brain kills beer cells). they were in phx at the time, not tempe. i did still learn a lot and managed to produce and engineer my own band for a while until the inevitable “trent kicks a bandmate’s *** for being a dumbfuck,” and i left phx to return to sf and write an apocalyptic love novel with *** and drugs and the first five hebrew letters of genesis anthropomorphized into a rock band that correctly pronounces the mystical name of ***. toss in some quantum theory, kabbalah, the i ching (ala phillip k. ****), and you get a book that every time i share it with a woman i get laid.
just search for bikerMetric in fb and you’ll find the hellhole. lots of people you know/recognize there, mostly builders, and a few rowdy garage/rider types from around the world. it’s very active with about 100 comments a day, so adjust your email settings accordingly or it’ll spam your ***.