hot off the revolutionary-inciting internet, the copenhagen cats at wrenchmonkees have created another bare bones cafe-style bike.
i do wish they’d have turned the drive from shaft to chain. maybe some day…
best known for their work with cb750 bikes, they’ve put their minimalist stamp on many different motors, from a bunch of kawasaki fours (750’s and 1000’s), a triumph bonnie, a norton commando, and recently they tweaked a ducati 750ss.
this is not their first transverse twin, the monkee crew built a moto guzzi 850t two years ago but when i saw this bike today, i knew i had to put it up.
my first motorcycle was a 1978 cx500 and i loved it. she was good to me for a couple of years and almost 30,000 miles bobbing through yellowstone and south-central montana until i moved south and smashed her into a thousand pieces in los angleles one evening on my way to see a girl i had a giant crush on.
a giant crush, indeed. my family was told i would never to be able to speak or write legibly again.
wait…. they were right!
i dig the wrenchmonkee style. it’s somewhere between cafe racer and tracker sometimes, but i lean more toward something else when trying to define their look. they are the most stripped down motorbikes one can find. they are bikes for the apocalypse.
you can visit the wrenchmonkee blog here or check out their website to see more.

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