bikerMetric: Talk to me, bro.
Tail End Customs: My name is Josh Bergeron and I’m from League City, TX. I rebuild industrial turbo chargers full time and run Tail End Customs part time. Just a guy trying to do some fun things in life before I die.
bikerMetric: What inspired you? Was there a look you were going for?
Tail End Customs: Well if you’re talking about the Brown Recluse bike my inspiration was just old school style. I did a few modern bikes and wanted something with more of an retro feel to it.
bikerMetric: Nice. How did you the bike, and how was it when you got it?
Tail End Customs: A customer Matt from Austin brought it to me and said man I love your work hook it up, I trust you. So I threw a few ideas at him and he loved it. Sometimes I like to marinate on thinking about a bike for a few days to get it down in my head. Things can change just within a few hours thinking about stuff in my head. Haha.
bikerMetric: We’ve featured you on here a number of times. Hope we can keep showing your work! Anyway, what mods did you do?
Tail End Customs: Well from what I remember I chopped the rear frame, capped, welded it up to accept solo seat. Mounted a nice fender. Made a nice sissy bar. Custom air filter all rejetted and cleaned. New fluids. Threw some bitwell bars and some metalflake grips and pegs. I sand blasted all the tins and then hand brushed them. Then we (ConroePowdercoating) powdercoated them with a nice Sable Brown. They came out beautiful. Then had my boy Sic713 lay down some awesome old school pinstriping.
bikerMetric: Favorite mod?
Tail End Customs: Sissy bar and powdercoat probably my favorite.
bikerMetric: Fill in the blank: Something I enjoyed about this build is _____________________.
Tail End Customs: Just getting to spend time and contribute with my homies.
bikerMetric: What’s the next build going to be?
Tail End Customs: Well I’m working on a Yamaha V-Star 650. Doing a hardtail and single backbone. Should be pretty cool.
bikerMetric: The V-Star builds are kind of a signature of yours around this site, where else can we find your builds and more info on you?
Tail End Customs: or on Instagram: tailendcustoms
bikerMetric: It’s shout-out o’clock, who are you calling?
Tail End Customs: Shout out to Matt for letting me customize his bike. Tim at ConroePowdercoating. Mike at Sic713. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

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Cool looking ride. How much does it cost?
This custom motorcycle looks amazing! I just bought an older Suzuki and it runs great! I have been wanting to get it remodeled and customized. I am not sure what I want to do with it yet, but I want it to look flashy. I think I also need to have the engine checked just to be sure that everything is running well. Do you have any idea how to find someone reliable? Thanks!
Ask existing riders, check out your local motorcycle meets, check out your local motorcycle forums. You’re not the first biker in your neck of the woods and you won’t be the last. Word of mouth goes a long way with these things. Cheers bud.