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i know, i know…

it’s been hectic around the bikerMetric world domination headquarters lately. last year i had little to do but write three or more posts a day. this year i have other responsibilities…. important ones such as not giving a f***.

still, i managed to get all the stickers in properly-addressed envelopes today. yes! you remember two months ago when i wrote “email for a free sticker?” well, merry f***ing christmas!

i’ve got 36 stuffed envelopes with more stickers than most of you asked for going to maryland, hawaii, france, south africa, and everywhere in between. they’ll be mailed tomorrow afternoon, should everything go according to plan…

also editing hugh’s latest techTips about how to hot-rod your xs650 motor. he’s great but each piece has three dozen photos to edit. damnit, hugh! why do you have to be so thorough?

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One comment

  1. Well if you wait for something good you cant wait to long.
    That goes for beer, stickers, babes and death.

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