Our story could have started at the wooden gate of an old barn that has been sealed shut for years, and the race engine buried beneath the dust. But our story really ends before that, with the broken upper arm of 34 year Joris of the Jt Brothers.
The broken arm left Joris all the time in the world, which he spent scouring the web looking for fun stuff. His eye fell upon an advertisement for an engine for sale. It turned out to be a complete Sturmey Archer. The seller didn’t know much about it, but the price was good, and it turned out not to be so far away from home.
The motor was picked up with the intention to be put into a decoration. The seller had bought it as something to learn on, but he didn’t go any further than the cylinder head and timing lid. Once home, Joris looked further into where this block came from. The metal construction where the block was located, and the shaped standing tank appeared to be a “Ransomes” lawn mower and the 1930 block.
Not much later, the two brothers, Joris and Johan, went to a fair and there they happened to find a complete “Albion” 3 speed gearbox with a coupling for a very good price. They also bought a new Dellorto VHB30 for a prize because the bronze amal carbide was not complete and far too small. Somewhere else, the saddle was purchased.
The Motobecane B33 frame and rear wheel of brother Johan was painted and adjusted to fit the motor and gearbox nicely. A conical adapter was made for the primary drive on the engine block on which a sprocket from a Suzuki cross engine was mounted.
The horizontal frame tube was removed and lowered so that the self-made gas tank could be placed between the tubes. The oil tank is made of a stainless steel casting jar that has been in the rack for years to ever come true. Back on the internet, a Peugeot GL55 frame with fork and parts was purchased to use only the front fork, throttle and rear fender. The rest was sold again.
The front wheel was scored for 5 euro at another fair and was fitted with new rubber. The steering wheel is self-propelled and the clutch lever and handles were still in stock. Several parts were made, such as brake pedal, upright, exhaust, switch mechanism, etc. The magneto was checked in for revision because the spark was not strong enough at low speed.
The fit of the gear and shaft was not 100% what the brothers with the lathe had solved. Then they could try if the block started and that did after kicking it three times, with a few test drives that soon followed. The newly made parts and frame parts were lubricated with hydrochloric acid for quick rust results, slightly lightened, sprinkled with black lacquer and slightly slightly sanded to give the patina look.
Engine: 1930 Sturmey Archer 248cc side valve
Gearbox: Albion 3-speed
Coupling: Dry cork
Magneto: Lucas
Carburetor: Dellorto VHB30
Air filter: Alu with sieve
Frame: Motobecane B33
Rear wheel: 19″ Motobecane B33
Rear brake: Drum brake with Motobecane pedal
Mudguard: Peugeot GL55
Saddle: Brooks bicycle saddle
Oil tank: Stainless steel canister
Petrol tank: jtbrothers
Front fork: Peugeot GL55
Front wheel: 19″ spool hub
Gas lever: Peugeot GL55
Exhaust: jtbrothers
Brackets, stands and accessories: jtbrothers
Check out more custom builds by JT Brothers here or check out their site!

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Great build. Really cool and really original. Great way to keep history alive. – Phats
Awesome build! I love this motorbicycles…they are so authentic!
Fecking mind!!