man. i can’t wait for the end of the world. some say the mayan calender predicts it. i’d give you links but you motherf***ers are gonna have to get all paranoid by your own discovery.
i’m hoping then that banks and multinational corporations producing greed and genetically modified foodstuffs bite the dust. i’m hoping the police are frightened and governments crumble. i’m hoping communities and regions band together to produce what they need from the earth and the labor of their minds and hands. i’m hoping then that everyone in the world will be free.
until then do what you love. whatever that might be.
i had to carry the prince theme. now, here’s something i hope you’ll really like!
visit the builder of this motorbike, whom i believe to be the master of all vincent rebuilds, jeff decker. until somebody builds a cleaner one, this is the best custom vinnie ever built.
de sade proposed in his book juliette, that **** *** would help keep the problem of burgeoning homeless kids from being born and bothering him for spare change.
oh, you know differently? gimme gimme gimme.

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