Poland is in the house of metric madness. pch, our 41st member, is an avid rider and scoots around Europe on a BMW K1200S. He also digs BMW cafe racers. Welcome to bM, pch.
Number 42 is Apartfromthedirt, from New Hampshire. He’s a moody artist crying in a cup of stale coffee about lost love and the uncertainty of being. Reminds me of me when I was 23. Then I traded the coffee for 99 cent pints of Popov vodka. That sh*t and a redhead stripper junkie girlfriend made me the man I am today. So buck up, dude! The life of the cubicle-bound is not for you. It will be hard, but you’ll rarely be bored and when you’re old, you’ll have many interesting stories to tell. Welcome to the garage-built metric motorcycle revolution.

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