All right guys, this is something I’ve been keeping to myself for a few months. The bikes are built in a shop called Motor Rock in Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya City Minato Ward, Japan. I think that translates to some port metropolis about 300 miles southwest of Tokyo. They build kick-*** metric bobbers, trackers and speedway style scooters in the Aichi Prefecture:
I don’t know where to begin with these bikes. They are sleek and Spartan and beautiful. The frames are incredible. The suspensions, the linkage, the style…. Everything is perfect; if not for the gorgeous looks, then for the artistic and mechanical elements that make these bikes look so different. I wonder what it would be like to bop around on this little 125:
The Motor Rock website is mostly in Japanese but if you click to view their gallery, you can see some incredibly detailed shots of these bikes and more.

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