Check it out! Thanks, Steve!
I’m thinking it’s a KZ650.

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Check it out! Thanks, Steve!
I’m thinking it’s a KZ650.
Tagged with: kawasaki kawasaki cafe racers metric cafe racers mpotd
We sat down with Marcos from Free Kustom Cycles in Mollet Del ...
Got another email the other day, this time from Chris Emmons of Fabwerkz ...
it was a year ago yesterday when i introduced dariztdesign to my ...
Definitely a KZ and the motor and carbs look like my 650 rat. I’m thinking maybe a B1 or B2 with possibly a few CSR part like the front fender and brake rotors thrown in. I bet the guy doesn’t have more than a grand into that bike. Those bikes are simple, cheap, fun and plentiful.
Hey it was cool to see the ForD on MPOTD. You guys sure didn’t use a cookie cutter on that baby.
right on, ole. thanks for the info and props. look for pix from the party coming in the next week and a techtip regarding the exhaust.
all the thanks goes to jeff of saint, as well as matt from working man’s, elswick, 7 metal, and all the guys that sent us killer stuff for us to play with.
jeff is as crazy as i am, because he built what i wanted and still added his own touches to make it even more unique.