It’s that time again on bikerMetric where we celebrate the joy of giving in the name of our lord and savior…
Just kidding.
In the past couple of days we have gained new metric **** members. Hooray for alliteration. Public member #41 is Cruiser Customizing. That means my old friend Uwe signed up. Thanks for everything, man. Click his company name if you are in need of a few things for your metric chopper or bobber build. His biz might be geared to cruisers, but there are incredible deals on many things applicable to the garage builder, from tires to handlebars. Plus, everybody who works for him rides. Check it out.
The next noob is tw8872. Don’t know anything about this person except our blog is the only one he or she follows. That’s always very cool. Thanks for coming by, tw.

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