got a flakebook message from my friend shoe today. he sent me a link to the man who does his engraving, otto carter, from abeline, texas.
initially i figured i’d save these for “friday’s post of cool stuff #57” later tonight, but the work was too amazing to get buried between a revolution rant and a music video.
besides, this vtx1800c is his daily rider. you mofos know i respect that.
otto the third started in the creative field many years ago as a graphic artist and is also a painter, but it is his engraving which blows me away.
don’t have much else to say about these pieces so dig ’em and visit otto at >>

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Hi, I want a custom dyna street bob engraved gas tank from master engraver Otto Carter.Let me know how to get about that. Looking forward to buy from him.
Hey Pushkar, check out his website, it’s in the article.