This item comes with springs only, seat is not included. These heavy duty barrel type seat springs are for use when mounting solo seats to properly place your seat for a balanced and comfortable ride. This is the perfect item for you if you want to improve on the seat comfort to your bike! The items you ordered will be shipped from China directly. It will be shipped out in 1-2 business day by China Air Mail when we receive your order. The arrival time is 5-20 business days to United States usually. If you want to cancel your order, please inform us immediately. We can cancel for you. However, we are unable to cancel your order if your order is shipped. Please read the description or shipping time carefully before you purchase. We ensure dispatch the item within 1-2 business days. However, you bought the item from opposite side of the earth, so it needs a little longer time to deliver. Please place order only if you agree with the shipping time and all the terms below.

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