TC Bros. Choppers LaneSplitter┢ Handlebars CNC Mandrel bent for ultra smooth bends and flawless symmetry. We designed these bars to be a cross between a frisco bar and a mini ape with uprights that angle inwards for a one of a kind look! These bars have a 9-1/4″ rise, 2-1/2″ pull back, 28″ overall width and are powdercoated gloss black for a very durable finish. They are made from 7/8″ OD x 13ga wall (.095 thick) steel tubing. The 7/8″ OD is used on many metric bikes as well as some British models. If you have 7/8″ diameter bars on your bike, and your handlebar clamp spacing is 6-3/4″ or less (outside to outside), then these bars should fit your bike. Stock cables on Yamaha XS650 will work (longer cables may be required on other bikes you install them on).

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