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random post of interesting art

yesterday i discovered a nifty link to “the most beloved” street art photos of 2011. beloved? oh, you art ****. when will you ever learn? anyhoo, i dig artsy fartsy stuff, especially graffiti and street art. out of the 106 they displayed, these were some of my favorites.

also, a DECLARATION OF RE-INDEPENDENCE supporter and facebook friend alberto marconcini sent me some of his stuff, which includes the declaration of independence sideboard, pictured here. pretty nifty work.

you can find alberto’s stuff at don kam art.

lastly, i discovered the latest work by a dude named guy laramee. i know. with that name i think it’s the same cowboy who did the marlboro cigarette ads.

he’s got a needlessly wordy artist statement about how books and libraries are finished but that new technologies will change everything in relation to “the domination of analytical knowledge over intuitive knowledge.” tell me if you’ve heard that before. i have. yawn. maybe it’s just me but that is why i don’t like listening to artists any more than i like to talk with writers. blah blah blah bullsh*t.

he even asks, “what is it in ourselves that insists on casting the flow of experience into concepts,” as he does exactly that. guess it’s good enough to get into museums worldwide. whatever.

if you don’t want to read the drivel, but check out his art using books in a way you probably have not seen before, go to guylaramee.com. some of it is pretty cool stuff.

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