a kind woman named jen rhee sent this graphic, stating how she came across bikerMetric while searching for people who have written about the cost of gas.
i had to cut the graphic up so it would appear as large as possible for you. it is all here and a few things will anger you. check it out:
look for another great infographic from these folks about how beer saved the world. it’s true!

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While I don’t dispute the figures, the guy who did the graph that has the bit about China having tripled its number of cars should have won an Oscar for biggest “spin”
China has tripled it’s number of cars in 3 years? So what, as of 2008, they had a whopping 37 cars per 1000 people versus the USA’s 808.
I don’t have hard facts to back it up, but I would be very surprised if the average US cars capacity was less than 3 liters, and even more surprised to hear if Chinas average was over 1.8