you read it right, mofos. the crew at dime city cycles thinks it would be a good idea if all the cafe racers in the world came together in one place to share their bikes, their routes, their mechanical and fabricating tips, and especially their clubs.
UPDATE 06.17.12:
one year later this project has gone nowhere. i’ve deleted the links because there is no website to see. sorry, guys. read the rest if you care.
whether you and your friends like riding old hondas down a dry lake bed in your underwear or you prefer your thruxton raced through london streets for a spot o’ tea at the ace cafe, twisting the throttle on barebones, stripped-down vintage speed machines allows a man to be a man and dime city will have your back.
if you’re a wrench-turning aficionado of all things old and fast – or even relaively new and faster – chances are your friends are, too. therefore, the trendy twits at dime city thought it would be splendid if there was a place where all the cafe racer rockers in the whole freaking world could get together and share information about their clubs, promoting membership and awareness, while providing easy access to all the cafe racer-style events that are held around our increasingly shrinking globe.
for instance; say you move to a new town or country. wouldn’t it be **** to know you could connect with some like-minded folks before you’ve even unpacked? also, wouldn’t it be knockers to know next month, when you’re traveling to san fancisco, that a local club is having a bike night at a pub five miles from your hotel? the chance to break bread or bones and drink beer with a club who will be happy to meet you seems like fun, right? right. motherf***ers. fun is why we do this.
while meeting folks at the grand opening last month, i discovered the world-wide cafe cult of speed has a **** good time and is filled with fine men and women. a lot of smiles and no a**hole attitudes. this is a group where everything is acceptable and whatever floats your boat is cool.
what this all boils down to is in the coming months you’ll see a new website called where this international list of rocking cafe clubs will happen.
please right-click and save the poster at the top of this missive and send it to your friends. email it, post it to your flakebook walls and twatter messages, do whatever you want with it but please share it with everybody you know who is into the rocker/cafe racer scene. it won’t happen if you mofos don’t help spread the word. the dime dity crew is fabricating the frame but it’s up to you to finish the machine. so pop a brew, set the water to boil, and make it happen. you and thousands of others will be glad you did.
it’s going to be the easiest way to meet new friends who are into the rocker lifestyle, which in turn will show you new routes to ride, teach you new tips and tricks for the almost infinite ways a cafe racer can be cut up and made to wail on, and greatly enhance your experience as a cafe rider and builder. so let’s start kicking ****!

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