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*** and death for the president

and now for something that looks like an erect *****. what’s up with brit motors and penises? here’s a diagram of a 1909 triumph single:

oh. and the *** and death for the president? that’s from a poem i wrote so long ago i can only remember the title. this post covers *** well but this next image is death for the president…. of egypt.

look out obama. look out whomever seeks to walk in a president’s shoes and become a liar and bring us down. it is only a matter of time before we clean our handguns, take to the streets, demand our constitutional liberties be returned, and f**k your s**t up that we might be free again. are you feeling this, my brothers and sisters? i know some of you are.

the bones art is by francois-robert. i simply stole his art and added my brand but man, francois rocks it.

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