Home / Uncategorized / she will be better when i’ve welded her a** straight

she will be better when i’ve welded her a** straight

and a hundred other things…. that i might curse some and bless many.

ride this and die | FREDOM OR DEATH MACHINE

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  1. I’ve been reading the FandD saga recently. I just fairly recently found BM.
    It’s the ***** all the trouble you had, but your design and ideas are looking cool.

    Side note: thanks for turning off the mobile template.

  2. right on, justin. it is what it is and with each passing day i feel a bit less murderous.

    just a bit.

    as for the mobile phone app, it was a wibya deal (see the bar below every page). after getting complaints from iphone users, whom i generally despise, i just went and turned it off to see what happened.

    glad your iphone sees bM as it should.

    ; )

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