Before we even asked for your pics and custom motorcycle builds, we got an email from Erik out in Alaska, with something really, really special.
It started out with a outdated bavarian machine. BMW’s R90, circa 1974 and it turns out when Erik called it “heavily customized” he wasn’t kidding.
As much as it’s cool to see the huge fairing and windshield, what the bike was transformed into is even more brilliant. Gone is the gargantuan front sail, I mean wind screen. Equally gone are the side cases and the rear luggage rack. That seat takes us way back, and Erik left it there and came out with something new. Though I don’t know if he bought new, went vintage, or how he went about replacing one retro style for another one. Oh, and those handlebars look comfy for a nice long tour, so they got tossed in the scrap metal heap too.
After all of the changes, here’s s sneak preview:
While I was digging around bikerMetric I found this awesome post about bobbers versus cafe racers. What the difference is. Where the line is drawn. What the history is. I thought it was a great read to pass the time while we wait for more pics from Erik. Check it out: new orleans cb750

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I’m exited to see this one.