Here is how our boys fared against those rats, I mean, Flat Rat Racing. If you want to know more about the race classes (V1, V2 and 500GP), I’ve stacked a ton of info below this post to learn ya. The info is thanks to Charlie, that *******. Riding Dean’s coattails again….
First, Kentucky Wrecking Crew would like to thank their sponsor, Mike Wells Racing. Mike is a pro at vintage motorbike repair, modifications and has a killer machine shop. Check him out at
This account is from Steve Upchurch from KWC:
We were standing in Mike Wells’ shop in Lexington a few days before the WERA opener in Talladega, Alabama. “**** yes, I’m going, aren’t you?” This was more of a statement than a question posed to me by Wayne Moore. At that point I knew I was going. Even though the weather was more suited for snowmobiles than motorcycles.
I headed south on Friday afternoon with the van loaded with my CB350 and all the usual race **** for the weekend; roller starter, leathers, tools, and of course, money. Wayne and Dave Huntsman got an early start and were already set up when I got to the track. They had managed to find the only semi-dry spot in the infield. It had been raining for two days straight and it was still raining. Little did we know, this was going to be the good weather for the weekend. I parked the van and rode with Bill Duguid to the hotel for an evening of drinking and lie telling.
Saturday dawned to rain and 37 degrees. Bill dropped me at the track and made up an excuse to head home instead of staying around. I started to follow him out in the van before somebody saw me. Too late now, Charlie Young from Flat Rat rolled up. ****. Now I’m committed. We got registered, unloaded and got ready to practice. It’s still raining and the bikes don’t want to start. Wayne’s Triumph 500 really hates the cold which is kinda funny for a Limey bike. We roll out to the track for the first time since last October. Even though the weather sucks, it was still great to be back on the track. I got into the groove pretty quickly in the rain. The little Honda felt good except for a rich spot in the carbs. Dean Middleton from Flat Rat and I are setting a decent pace even while the rain is getting worse.
I can’t feel my hands at the end of practice because of the cold and wet. I need to adjust the needles in carbs to lean them out a bit but my hands are not cooperating. I grab the cylinders to warm them up. Ahh, the smell of burning flesh in the morning. Reminds me of…. road racing! With my carbs adjusted, I was off to hibernate in the back of Wayne’s truck.
The second practice session is just as miserable as the first. I made two laps to make sure the adjustments were right and then I park it.
We had a riders meeting for lunch and after that we were the first race out. The V1 field has five bikes in it; Wayne, Charlie, Dean, a new guy named Don, and myself. Out we went for the warm up and start. Chuck throws the rag and I get the best holeshot of my life! I lead the first lap until Don passes me in the farmhouse turn. Dean passes me in the bowl right hander, he is incredibly fast. I think I have third sewn up so I am just riding. Huge mistake. Wayne gets me on lap four in the bowl. I heard him coming and could do nothing about it. Once he gets by, the Triumph has too much torque for me to pass coming out of the turns. I have better brakes and a higher top speed, both of which are useless on the tight Talladega circuit. Wayne takes third, Don gets second, and Dean wins in V1.
The 500GP race is the last race of the day. We have about two and one-half hours to kill between races. We spent most of that time huddled in the back of Wayne’s truck with the heat on full melt. The biggest challenge of the day was not to drink too much. If you drink too much then you have to pee which requires getting out of the heat and walking to the bathroom. Miserable cold.
Then finally race nine was ready to start and off we went. In this race the V2 bikes line up behind the 500gp bikes. GP bikes for the most part are stock Honda 350’s, except Wayne’s Triumph. Chuck throws the flag and off we go. Dean and I are in each others heads. Wanting to get a good start, both of us over-rev the engines and launch into beautiful first and second gear wheelies. Dean gets a really good line through the first turn and disposes of the GP crowd. It takes me a lap to pick through GP grid. Keith Bennet and Jack Houman are riding very well and put up a fight. I finally get past and start chasing Wayne down. He and I swap positions a couple of times. Finally on the last lap going into turn two, Wayne’s clutch screws up and I pass for good on the out side. Dean wins V2, I get second. Wayne wins 500gp, Jack gets second, Keith get third.
On to AHRMA’s opener at Roebling Road.
+ + +
It seems KWC and Flat Rat won this round with two First Place finishes for the enemy Dean and another First for our man Wayne. ****. I wanted outright victory! None of this one-outta-three ****! That’s it. I’m calling **** Butkus.
I’ll try to get some patches and stickers made for your new colors, guys. Until then, I’ve got bios for Chuck Skarsaune and Wayne Moore that I’ll throw up here soon. Sorry about the drunk emails last night, Chuck. It was Mardi Gras. Now for 40 days of lent. Let’s see… what should I give up?
We’ll see you guys in four weeks with tales from Roebling Road Raceway in Faulkville, Georgia!
Vintage 1 class consists of pre-1973 two-stroke singles up to 360cc; pre-1973 two-stroke twins up to 250cc; and pre-1973 OHC up to 360cc.
Among the eligible V1 machines are the following:
Honda four-stroke two cylinder street models up to 350cc and XL250/350s, and all CB360s regardless of year.
Kawasaki 350cc single and S1.
Suzuki and Yamaha 250cc street twins.
Vintage 2 class consists of pre-1974 two-stroke singles up to 500cc, pre-1973 two-stroke twins and triples up to 350cc, pre-1974 push-rod up to 600cc, pre-1974 OHC to 450cc, pre-1974 four-cylinder up to 350cc, and pre-1974 four-stroke side-valve up to 750cc.
Among the eligible V2 machines are the following:
BMW R60.
Honda CB350 with big bore kits and CB450 with 500cc kits, CB400F of any year, and FT500 Ascot (82/83 model year).
Kawasaki S2 350.
Triumph 650 de-stroked to 600cc.
Suzuki T350 and GT380.
Yamaha R5, RD 250 (up to 3mm over), RD350 (engine modifications permitted with 28mm max carb size), RD400 (Engine limited to SS Spec with OEM or aftermarket air filter including removal of airbox, front fender not required, racing tail section allowed, removal of side stand lug and other tabs on frame allowed, modification of wiring harness allowed), TD2, TD2B, and TD3, SR500. Hejira round tube frame with 250cc two-stroke Can-Am single is also allowed.
500GP class consists of pre-1965 two and four-stroke up to 500cc, pre-1971 two-stroke singles up to 360cc, pre-1965 side valves up to 750cc, pre-1972 European OHV/OHC four-stroke up to 500cc, and pre-1972 BSA, Norton & Triumph 650’s with restrictions: Must have original OEM frame, swingarm, motor, four-speed transmission, 35mm forks, and 30mm carburetors.
Among the eligible 500GP machines are the following:
AJS 7R five and six-speed.
BMW R50 and R60/5 (stock displacement).
BSA 441 and 500 singles and twins, 650 (production based) twins.
Bultaco 250cc and 360cc singles (round cylinder only).
Ducati 450.
H-D and Indian side valve 750’s.
Kawasaki 350 Big Horn.
Matchless G50.
Norton 500’s including Manx and 650 (production based) twins.
Triumph 500 and 650 (production based twins).
Yamaha DS7, RT series, MX360, DT360.
In all GP classes, the chassis/brake/bodywork must be of a type actually available prior to 1972. All five and six-speed racing transmissions are allowed except in 650cc pushrod twins.

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