Do you like beer and motorbikes? How about killer brews from Austin’s own Independence Brewery? Do garage-built metric choppers, bobbers, and cafe racers make you tingle in inappropriate places? Do you like drunk chicks with tattoos on their big ****? Well then, you’re in luck because bikerMetric has exactly what you’re looking for!
On Friday, June 11at the Dirty Dog Bar on Austin’s infamous Sixth Street, during the huge Republic of Texas Motorcycle Rally, we will be throwing a party for the home-grown folks working their ***** off to claim for themselves a small amount of individual liberty in a world gone corporate vampire ****.
We’re building a custom Yamaha XS650 chopper with the help of After Hours Choppers, Biltwell, 7 Metal West and others.
Hopefully we’ll get our sh*t together and have it on display at the party. It’s our goal to show the world that you can build a unique zombie-slaying chopper or bobber for well under ten grand while helping independent bike dudes nationwide feed their families and bust their beer bellies.
So hit the road, come to Austin, see tons of maniacal garage-built chops, and discover for yourself the custom motorcycle path to enlightenment!
If you are interested in getting involved, please let me know by emailing trent at bikermetric dot com. It would be cool to have magazines and stickers from my friends to give away, plus tee shirts, printed material for anybody who doesn’t suck, and whatever you’ve got that’s cool.
If you’re coming to the ROT from out of town, contact me. The woman who inexplicably loves me and I can host a few friends. Yes, I’m lookin’ at you dudes from Maryland.
If you have a part or something you’d like to donate to the FREEDOM or DEATH MACHINE, shoot me an email.

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