Listen, I email custom motorcycle builders almost every day. I tried reaching out to Casey Anderson, a custom motorcycle builder from California two weeks ago, just as I would any other. Today I received two emails back from him. His email was one of the best I’ve ever received from a builder. Casey shared a view of the custom build scene and its magazine and website publishers, his take on life as a custom motorcycle builder, and his story of leaving it all behind.
With permission I shared a copy of his personal emails to me, to share with you, to tell Casey’s story.
On 2014-12-29 16:12, Casey Anderson wrote:
Adrian… I just saw your email. Thank you for getting in touch with me.
When I first started building I pursued the whole magazine and website coverage but I did not like how 99% of them features the “whos who” and not many of the home builders. I felt like the chop media forgot what the entire chop lifestyle is about. Magazines, websites, and some documentaries have covered me here and there but like I said, I can not recall what bikes and what media. In fact, when I first started, I submitted a bike or two to you guys and you guys gracefully passed.
The reason it took me so long to respond to your email is I just had a huge change in my life. I quit building bikes. I sold off everything I own, broke up with an awesome woman, put a couple bikes in my buddy’s barn and I moved to Hawaii.
I was completely stressed out building bikes to pay the bills. I found myself at the age of 30 not enjoying life anymore. Everything revolved around work. Bikes turned into work, not passion. Even though I smile knowing how many bikes I put back on the road, I ****** away the important things in life. Like being able to enjoy an evening out without constantly thinking why the #2 cylinder is miss(fir)ing. Now I do not cringe every time I go out into the garage. I now am working on my painting skills, fish, dive, and build bikes for myself.
The last bike I built before I left California was the Goldwing. Every bike I build, I do everything. Fab, wrench, paint, wire, etc.. The goldwing is no different. Took me about 18 days to build and right at $1000- to build. It won best of show at the Vintage Japanese show in the Bay area last year. Same show as the Clubman. That was the first and only show I put it in.
The CL350 is my daily rider over here. Complete full restore, lifted 2.5″ over stock. Rebuilt engine. Every single thing on it is new or restored.
Here is a couple pics of the wing, Cl, and my art. I understand this email is very “me” but Im just laying it out for you. If you are interested in covering it, get back with me and we will put something together.
Have a kickass day!!
– Casey.
On 2014-12-29 16:23, Casey Anderson wrote:
Oh ****…. I totally forgot..
This was the last bike I built. CB750 chop. Built it for one of my best friends. He kept at me for about 4 years to get a bike from me. In fact, that is how he and I met. He saw my bikes on craigslist and kept trying to trade for them. You know how craigslist goes. I pretty much told him to beat it but he was persistent. He told me how he has a good feeling about me and will keep at it til he gets a chop from me.
Slowly we became excellent friends. The type of friend where you trust them no matter what. A couple days before I was leaving for Hawaii, I sent him a text saying he needed to come pick up his chop. Pretty sure he was kind of confused. I had a sheet over it. His wife, my girlfriend, and a handful of our closest friends had one of the best bbqs ever and the entire time it was eating at him that he couldn’t look under the sheet yet. He was speechless when the sheet was pulled off.
CB750 chop. I built everything from what I had laying around. All copper coated, aged, then clear coated. This is probably the best and favorite build so far. It felt so good seeing him look at the bike like a new member of his family.
Ok, later,

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Casey is the tell all be all Man. Love that guy….and my bike. Good Times. Thank for the writeup.
Happy to share it!
Casey is a friend of mine from when he lived in Orland, Ca. He moved to Hawaii about a year after I met him. He disappeared from facebook and I can’t find his web page anymore. Would it be possible to get Casey’s email address? I’d like to re-connect with him and ask him a few questions about the Goldwing he built. He built it for the Dirtbag Challenge and I love it.
Ed get a hold of me.
Hi. Desperately in search of Casey Anderson. Bought a bike off him 4 years ago and a pat of it was defaced so I’m trying to get it fixed. Lost all of contact info. Can you help please? 614.403.6677
Mike,,,,sorry but I don’t have any contact info for Casey.
I sent Casey an email with Mike’s details. Haven’t heard from Casey in a few months though so I don’t know whether or not he’ll get it, but he should sooner or later. Stay tuned!
Casey Anderson can get a hold of me? I’m actually his aunt and my dad Earl has told me about his website but I can’t seem to find it. does anybody have a Facebook information or email on him or me? I live in LA now and I would love to catch up with him and see some of his artwork. my dad showed me a lot on his computer when I was in Orland in 2014. anyway would love any info thanks for your time
I’ll send him an email for you, Debbie. I haven’t spoken to him in a year or few, so I’m hoping the address I have still works.
I have actually been looking for Casey’s contact info since he left Orland. I met him about a year before he moved to Hawaii. I did a photo shoot on a bunch of his bikes. I would love to catch up with him and see what he’s up to these days.
Hey Ed, I reached out on your behalf. Not sure if he’ll see it or not though.